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Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2012Aspects of Modern Standard Arabic Use in Everyday Conversation: The Case of School Teachers of Arabic in TlemcenBAGUI, Hayet
21-mai-2023Aspects of Orientalism in Lawrence Durrell’s Novel Justine (1957)Belhachem, Imane
1-oct-2015Aspects of racism and feminism in Mules and Men By Zora Neale Hurston And The Color Purple by Alice WalkerRAHOUL, Halima; SAIDI, Fatima Zohra
22-jan-2019Aspects of realism in jane Austen's persuasionKhouatir, Kamal; Bouchikhi, Imane
sep-2020Aspects pratiques de protection des talus instables : Cas de port de Ghazaouet (PK0+000 au PK1+900)Hadjadji, Amri; Hadj Abdel Kader, Abdel moulah
2019aspects therapeutiques et evolutifs du syndrome nephrotique idiopatique chez l'enfant au service de pédiatrie - CHU Tlemcen ( a propos de 71 cas ) sur une période allant de octobre 2018 au septembre 2019djilalli, ilyes; seddik, kamel eddine; benosman, abdelwahhab
2014Asphyxie néonataleDali Yahia, Anissa; Said Medjahed, Meriem
6-avr-2014Asservissement-visuel-d-un-bras-manipulateur-a-cinq-degres-de-liberteHadj-Abdelkader, Hicham
17-mai-2023Assesing the impact of information literacy drawing from reading on students' writing - Case of L3 students tlemcen universityBENHALILEM, Rima
30-jui-2021Assessing EFL Lea rn ers Co m m u n ic a tiv e Co m peten c e THROUGH THE MULTIMODALITY APPROACH: A CASE STUDY OF Th ir d -Year EFL St u d e n t s a t t h e Un iv ersity o f BiskraOTHMANE, Meriem
2-nov-2017Assessing Language Learning Strategy Use: The Case of the 1st Year EFL Students at the University of MascaraTABETI, Soumia
25-jan-2017Assessing Learners Autonomy Within The Framework Of CBA: Case Of 3rd Year EFL Learners at El Ouad El Djillali Secondary School- TlemcenLansari Kazi Tani, Wassila Chahrazede
1-mai-2019Assessing the Dutch Disease Impact on the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate's Performance in Algeria 1990 - 2016Maachi, Malika
1-jan-2014Assessing the Effects of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on EFL LMD2 Students’ Motivation: University of TlemcenYAICHE, Wahida
25-oct-2017ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY ON THE TEACHING –LEARNING PROCESS Case of 1ST Year EFL Students at the University of TlemcenBen Hammou, Wahiba; Benheddi, Soumia
27-fév-2017Assessing the Intercultural Dimension of Algerian ELT Textbooks: Case of 3rd Year Secondary School Textbook ‘NewProspects’BOUAKEL, Toufik
11-mar-2024Assessing the Quality of Teaching in an ESP Context: Case of the Chemistry Department at the University of TlemcenABBASSI, Asma
14-avr-2024Assessing the Quality of Teaching in an ESP Context: Case ofthe Chemistry Department at the University of TlemcenABBASSI, Amina