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Titre: The Woman in the Contemporary Arab World in Norma Khouri’s Forbidden Love: Perceived by Culture or Religion?
Auteur(s): TAOURIT, Fatima Zohra
Mots-clés: The Woman- the Contemporary Arab- World- Norma Khouri’s Forbidden- Love- Culture - Religion.
Date de publication: 9-sep-2015
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: Many women in the Arab world are facing cultural challenges against society, that are considered as gender inequalities. Whether the woman is a young girl, wife and mother, the man is considered superior than her in some cases. This dissertation studies the main issues of the contemporary Arab woman as well as the main reasons behind Arab and society's guidance. In this case, is the contemporary Arab woman conducted by a true follow of Islamic values or is it just a matter of respecting traditions and Arab customs to maintain the good personal reputation among people? Second, what are the major cultural norms that women are fighting? Meanwhile, the cultures represented by religious movements remain the only legitimate challengers to the domination of culture in the Arab world concerning the status of the woman. The first chapter gives different facts concerning the Arab woman although she got better chances in the contemporary Arab world compared with the previous decades. Yet, she is still fighting for her rights. Social loyalty is of a great importance in Arab culture, and the Arab's most important characteristics is protecting the family honour. Since the woman is to be biggest threat on the family's honour, she is men's worst nightmare in this matter. The same chapter shed the light on women's major problems from a very young age and the way they are treated by the men of their family. Men and women’s interaction or social exchanges happen very seldom when they are not close relatives. Any relationship with a non-relative man could cost the woman her life for dishonouring herself and her family. This act is the so called Honour Killing. Men justify this act by claiming it is religious duty. The Arab world is very influenced by Islam though not all Arabs are Muslims. This chapter attempts to clarify whether cultural practices of Arab society exist in Islam, or are they simply made up by masculine community for the sake of protecting their honour trough discriminating women and preventing them from their rights. On the other hand, Chapter One argues that the previous claims are not being practiced on all Arab women, because there are other women teachers,
Collection(s) :Doctorat en Français

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