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Titre: L'irrigation en endodontie : données actuelles
Mots-clés: L'irrigation en endodontie
Date de publication: 1-jui-2012
Résumé: Abstract Despite the technoloica1 adances in endodornics viiich have improved the qialitv of root canal treatment., the dentist is stiil faced to certain number of 6ilures. These are hnkul to bacterial persistence in a complex endodentic analomv. In our studv the antimicrobial activitv was tested on a sample of 11 mot canais (incisors and premolars) to ten (10) patients, each patient contributed one or tv4v teetk these have been divided into tvo croups (A, B) irrigated with the 2.5% sodium hvpochlorrte. 2@ chlorhexidine dialuconate respectivelv associated with EDTA to 194. Bacteriological sampies were obtained by the introduction of sterile paper points in infected root canais. Samples obtained from the root canais were subected to miCrobloIOgK processing. 'e found that the antimicrobial activitv of chiorhexidine is stron2er on the Enterococcis than sodium hvpochlorite and is minimal on other bacteria Hoever. sodium hypochiorite has a high antimicrobial activity against most bactena %N-hile titis activitv remains largeiy weak against the family 0f Enterococcus. But this difference was not significant both chlorhexidine giuconate and sodium hypochiorite were significantiv effective to reduce the microorganisms in the teeth periapical pathologies, or both.. and could be used successfully as an imgant soiution.but stili it is neccessarv to use more effective tools to obtain better desinfection of root canais.
Collection(s) :Rapport du Stage Médecine Dentaire

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