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Titre: Students’ Anxiety in the Preparation of their Dissertation: Case of EFL Master II Students at Tlemcen University.
Auteur(s): ARAB, Asma
Date de publication: 12-déc-2018
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: The present study was designed to investigate the issue of anxiety and its impact on students’ achievement(s) in their writing dissertation process. It aims to achieve three main objectives. First, searches how students’ achievement affected with the existence of anxiety in their dissertation. Second, to investigate what are the factors which cause students’ anxiety, and what is its impact on their work. Third, to find out what are the negative effects on students’achievement in the dissertation .Indeed, going through the process of dissertation was helpful to suggest some strategies that teachers and learners can follow to reduce their feeling of anxiety. To reach this end, the research depends on two main data gathering tools was conducted at Abu bekr belkaid university (Tlemcen) which are a questionnaire that was addressed to forty (40) EFL Master two students and an interview with seven (7) EFL teachers from the same university. The data collected by means of these research instruments were analysed quantitavely and qualitatively. The study reveals that most Master students experienced a certain level of anxiety. In this regard, there are many causes that increase the Master students’ anxiety such as: lack of knowledge, lack of self confidence, fear of failure, restricted time, and the discussion with the supervisor, which affect their work and leads to a poor achievement in the dissertation. Accordingly, these results also illustrate different strategies in which Master EFL students and teachers can use to cope or minimize the feeling of anxiety and help student to feel more comfortable and complete their final desire.
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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