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Titre: The Impact of Quran on Arabic Language Learning: The Case of Women Lacking Basic Literacy Skills.
Auteur(s): BENMANSOUR, Souhila
BOUDJEMAA, Fatima Zohra
Date de publication: 5-nov-2018
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: The Arabic language is an international language that many learners seek to learn for several reasons.It can be learned through various means, including reciting and memorizing Quran. Many studies confirmed that reciting and memorizing the Quran is a beneficial tool which provides learners with the opportunity to develop their abilities in the Arabic language. Hence, the purpose of this study is to shed light on the role of Quran on improving learners' achievement in reading and comprehension. A case study was conducted at Al-Sunna and Al-Kayrawan mosques in Tlemcen, Algeria. The data were collected from a sample composed of 80 female learners and 2 teachers of Quran, using three research instruments: a questionnaire and a test addressed to learners and a structured interview to teachers. To obtain and analyse the necessary data, a mix of qualitative and quantitative procedures were used. The findings of the study revealed that reciting and memorizing Quran has a positive effect on learners' accomplishment in reading and comprehension.
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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