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Titre: Child Labor in England During the Nineteenth Century
Auteur(s): HAMLILI, Rabab
Mots-clés: 19thCentury, Victorian period, social life, Industrial Revolution, child labor
Date de publication: 13-nov-2017
Résumé: The aim of this study is to examine one of the importantsocial issues spread in England during the 19thcentury which is child labor. In this regard, the extended essay is divided into two chapters; the first chapter deals with an overview about the Victorian society and the impact of Industrial Revolution on people mainly children. It aims to shed light on the social life during the nineteenth century in Britain.As forthe second chapter, it seeks to investigate the problem of child labor during the Victorian age, and the reasons behind the spread of this phenomenon during that period. It also tackles the main jobs accomplished by children, as well as the major consequences which resulted from this issue.
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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