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Titre: Studen't attitudes towars learning linguistics the case : of first year EFL learners at abou bekr belkaid university of tlemcen algeria
Auteur(s): ABDELLAOUI, Meryem
Mots-clés: first year EFL students, Linguistics’ module, students’ attitude.
Date de publication: 30-oct-2017
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: The present research seeks to investigate into first year EFL students’ attitude towards the Linguistics’ module. It takes place at the University of Tlemcen, Faculty of Letters and Languages, Department of English. The main target of the study is to identify students’ difficulties during the Linguistics course. It is found that the lack of knowledge about the importance of the module and its significance in the language learning are the main reasons behind the students’ negative attitudes. Therefore, many useful suggestions and recommendations are put forward to improve the Linguistics’ course for a better learning process.
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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