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Montrant les résultats 10468 à 10487 de 21298 < précédent   suivant >
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
8-avr-2014La-reconquête-d’un-centre-ancien : le-cas-de-la-Médina-de-Nédroma.KHATTABI, LAHCENE
19-mar-2014La-technologie-W-CDMA-etendue-dans-les-systemes-multi-antennes.BELARBI, Mohammed El Amin; BAROUDI, Zakaria
23-fév-2014la-teledetection-et-la-dynamique-des-paysages-en-millieu-aride-et-semi-aride-en-algerie-cas-de-la(region-de-naamahaddouche, idriss
4-fév-2014Laboratoire d’Etude et Prédiction de Matériaux Unité de Recherche de Matériaux et Energies RenouvelablesBENYELLOUL, Kamel
25-sep-2016Lack of Reading Motivation in the Algerian EFL Classrooms: The case of First Year Master ELT Students at Tlemcen UniversityOUDIA MENDIL, Imane
6-nov-2018The Lack of the Teacher Training within the ESP Context The case of 3rd year Students in the Department of Business and Economy, University of TlemcenBENAMAR, Hadjer
12-jui-2016Lambeaux d’assainissement parodontaux, résultats cliniques à court terme ; étude descriptive menée au niveau du service de parodontologie du CHU TlemcenBEKKOUCHE, Nihad; AOUAYEB, Asma; BENABDELLAH, Asma
28-oct-2009Landfill drainage with geocompositesArab, Rabah; Cherifi, Farid; Loudjani, Fayçal
10-déc-2018Language and Cultural Connectedness to voice Women Position in Algerian and African-American LiteratureGUERGABOU, WAFA
13-mar-2017Language and Gender at Workplace: Differences in Male and Female Speech among Teachers ofthe English Department in Tlemcen UniversityBOURMAL, Amel Zahra
20-fév-2024Language Anxiety and its Impact on Oral Performance on EFL Classrooms The Case Study of First Year Students at Aboubakr Bel kaid University of TlemcenCHABOULI, Meriem; CHIB, Sanaa
12-fév-2019Language as a Tool for Shaping Identity and Promoting Social Progress in Shaw’s Pygmalion and Walker’s The Color PurpleAbla, AHMED KADI
2012language change and lexical variation in youth language : Tlemcen speech communityMAHDAD, Hynd
16-mai-2023Language Choice of Multilinguals in Emotional Expressiveness: The Case of Master’s II EFL students at Tlemcen UniversityBENHAMED, Nourelhouda
2011Language Contact and Language ConflictBENYELLES, Linda Chahinez
2-oct-2016Language Contact in Algeria and the Leading Factors towards Language Death: Modern Standard ArabicBelaskri, Mohammed Yassine
27-oct-2019Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Case Study of Two Mental Disabilities Centers in TlemcenHEBBALI, Yasmine
14-jan-2024Language Education Policy in Multilingual Mali: Keeping French or Promoting Local Languages as Media of Instruction?BALLO, Oumar
28-mai-2023Language Performance and Impairment of Patients with Alzheimer’s: Evidence from Patients in TlemcenRahoui, Yasmine