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dc.contributor.authorMERSOUT, Ayyoub-
dc.description.abstractIn essence, the present dissertation seeks to highlight President Obama’s race to Presidency with a particular focus on his political career, domestic, and foreign affairs. To this end, the study used a historical approach to trace back these main issues. At the domestic level, President Obama offered a host of proposals to improve the standard living of the American people particularly at the level of: economy, education, healthcare, and Civil Rights. As for Obama’s foreign policy, the study has shed light on the New Start Treaty, the Withdrawal from Iraq, and the Arab Spring in addition to some other global challenges that the President faced during his administrations, such as the economic crisis and the climate change.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcen-
dc.subjectBarack H. Obama - Foreign Challenges - Domestic Policiesen_US
dc.titleBarack H. Obama: The Foreign Challenges And Domestic Policiesen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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