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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.authorHammada, Imene-
dc.description.abstractThis study is in the field of civilization .It is important in order to shed light on several definitions and various origins of the term ‘Druid’ and it’s different types with related concepts. Therefore, the roles and influences of the beliefs and practices of ‘Druids’ on people and the surroundings. The research approach adopted in this work is a historical one .It relies on the reading of documentations related to this subject. The findings from this research provide evidence that ‘Druids’ are not only a clergymen but they may occupy other functions and take many roles and manifestations in societies. Along centuries, records about them change the perceptions on them their representations are renowned in plays, songs, paintings, poems and garden ornaments. The main conclusions drawn from this work are: Druids’ origins spring from western societies and from various civilizations; their practices have changed over times from witchcraft to political achievements. Then, their beliefs moved between a strong belief in immortality and reincarnation to devil and supernatural forces. Finally, their occupations and roles influence people and this is shown through cartoons and cinematic productions.en_US
dc.subjectCulture - Druidism - Western Countriesen_US
dc.titleThe Culture of Druidism In the Western Countriesen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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