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dc.contributor.authorBelhadji, Chakib-
dc.description.abstractDuring a long period in history, the black Americans were not considered as American citizens, they suffered from bad treatments under slavery, the different kinds of racism and discrimination. In spite of these problems, they could challenge them and prove themselves over the society as American citizens. The first problem that faced the black Americans was slavery since their arrival to America from Africa across the Atlantic in slave ships in which many died. They were forced to work hard , treated as animals and considered as inferior with no rights until the abolishment of slavery. But after this, the black Americans faced another problem which was racism with different racial segregation laws that separated them from the whites and kept them isolated with no equality, no rights and injustice. Thus, the black Americans were obliged to challenge these problems and to struggle ,resist and fight under various obstacles for the aim to obtain their civil rights and freedom as any other white citizens. Many important events were done for the goal of freedom and equality, the most significant were: Harlem Renaissance, Civil Right Movements and Freedom Rides, in which the blacks sacrificed their lives to secure their rights. The struggle was shaped by a huge loss in lives, mainly because of the violence. These sacrifices had a good result, finally the government recognized them as free and equal American citizens who would enjoy all civil rights. The black Americans could defy all the obstacles and prove themselves as American citizens, especially when they reached a highest position in the American society in every aspects of live , politics, sports, literature and art. They achieved their goals and proved that the difference in the color of the skin did not make people superior or inferior. They became famous, popular and beloved more than any time before. They could influence the whites and changed their negative visions against blacks.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcen-
dc.titleBlack Americans Facing Racial Obstacles (1890-1980)en_US
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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