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Titre: فكرة الحقول الدلالية عند اللغوين العرب القدامى
Auteur(s): HAMDI, AMMARA
Mots-clés: الدلالة ؛ حقل الدلالي ؛ ألفاظ
Date de publication: 5-nov-2014
Résumé: SUMMARY This research aims at shedding light on the phenomenon of Signification that has been the study for so many linguists either in the past or at present. This importance given to Semantics has led to the prosperity of other kinds of Studies with in different opinions and or theories that aimed at limiting the cods of Comprehension and so facilitate the Communication. Among these studies we notice the theory of « The semantic fields » whose principals and objectives made up the object of this study .
ISSN: ML/073
Collection(s) :Licence LMD Littérature Arabe

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