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dc.contributor.authorMouaoued, Ayoub-
dc.description.abstractThis study tackles the multiple struggles and hardships that faced African Americans throughout history. Harmful treatment under slavery, racial discrimination, oppression, and White Supremacy resulted in the black's political and cultural revolts. Politically, it was the Civil Rights Movement by many famous black figures such as Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X, and culturally, the Harlem Renaissance movement. Hip-hop, as well, was a significant means by which rappers like Kendrick Lamar discussed several issues that face the black race in the United States, such as white Supremacy, oppression, and police brutality. The methodology used to answer the research questions is the analytical approach. This research work tries to identify the contribution of Kendrick Lamar to contest issues of racism, oppression and White Supremacy in the African American community.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcenen_US
dc.titleKendrick Lamar; Challenging Racism, Oppression and White Supremacy through Hip-hop Musicen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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