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Titre: Comparative Analysis Betweenthe Book and the Movie of "I AM LEGEND"
Auteur(s): ZAKARIA, Karima
Date de publication: 22-jan-2025
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: Literature was the apogee of the art of narration, it was popular, and in contemporary times, it is the cinema that replaces it at some extent, the audio-visual that translates the narrative text to give it life. The cinema uses different types of narration, linear and non-linear, first and third person narration, to appeal to human memory through flashbacks and other elements of narration. The post-apocalyptic science fiction film is a cinematography genre based on novels of similar name where it is a narrative technique is often applied as the Richard Matheson's "I Am Legend", and the primary objective of this study will be to determine the impact that this narrative technique in the movie on the character 'Robert Neville', enabling furthermore a synthesis to shape out the type of the protagonist in the two alternate versions.
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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