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Titre: Student’s Attitude Towards Testing Process & CL Testing : a Case Study at EFL Students Master Level University of Oran Algeria
Auteur(s): Moussi, Ali
Date de publication: 25-jan-2024
Editeur: university of Tlemcen
Résumé: It is commonly known that test designers haie historically relied on students’ replies, feedback, and perceptons to improie the testng process. The study’s goal is to learn more about how EFL students behaie and react towards CLT also the testng process in general. Both instruments were containing the same questons depending on close-ended questons and the data were quanttatiely analyzed . An online questonnaire was published on the uniiersity students’ site and on messenger groups. Interiiews of eight LMD students from M1 and M2 of English Department, Uniiersity of Oran, Algeria partcipated. Howeier, afer fnishing interiiews , we gaie partcipants the chance to react honestly while keeping the questons’ topics in mind. Most of the partcipants answered positiely about “ the impact of the test ” and they were also “ satsfed “ about it . Interestngly the happier students were, the more motiated they were to learn. Howeier students also felt “ pressure “ nerious when taking tests. The study has shown that partcipants felt confdent about speaking & reading tests, More important students stll preferred traditonal testng methods, such as multple-choice tests as they found them easier. The Interiiews also gaie some extra informaton all students agreed that CLT was an efectie way of assessing their language profciency and they belieied that such tests proiide a realistc picture of their language ability. This study aims to explore the importance to EFL student’s behaiior towards CL Testng in partcular and toward testng process in general. Understanding student’s reacton towrd tests will help test designers to improie , deielop and enhance the testng process and this will defnitely take and rise the testng feld into the next leiel.
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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