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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.authorبلحاج, نسرين-
dc.contributor.authorرابح, حفصة-
dc.description.abstractLiterary translation has emerged remarkably among different areas of translation. This translation has developed as a result of constructive criticism. For that reason, we consider criticism as a critical criterion to answer the question of whether the translator succeeded in transmitting the original literary text or not. Our theme text is “Ecstasy” translated by the writer Abdul Hadi Al-Ashman. This translation was made honestly with the help of Fatima Muhammad Taha and Laila Sati by means of employing literal translation. We have concluded that the literal method was devoted to conveying most of the thoughts that were contained in simple words in order to make the Arab reader at ease when reading.en_US
dc.subjectliterary translation constructive criticism ـliterary text literal translation conception .en_US
dc.titleذحٍ١ً ٚٔمذ اٌرشخّح الأدت١ح "اٌخٛاغش" وراب اوغراعٟ ٌٍّؤٌف ػثذ اٌٙادٞ اٌؼّشاْ –أّٛرخا-en_US
Collection(s) :Master en Traduction

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