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Titre: Contribution à l’étude des paramètres influençant la dispersion Atmosphérique des polluants émis par une centrale Energétique.
Auteur(s): Benammar, Soufiane Bahi
Mots-clés: pollution, atmosphere, dispersion, concentration, gaseouspollutants, dispersion model.
pollution, atmosphère, dispersion, concentration, polluants gazeux, modèle de dispersion
Date de publication: 13-jui-2021
Editeur: 31-01-2022
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Collection/Numéro: son.for.p.;
Résumé: Air pollution is responsible, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), for the death of 2.4 million people worldwide each year The millions of tonnes of pollutants emitted into the environment each year are responsible for huge problems for our planet such as global warming, soil desertization, the hole in the ozone layer, the disappearance of certain animal and plant species, the reduction in hydraulic sources. On human health they cause cancer and also promote respiratory diseases. These problems have become in recent years a permanent concern for scientists, public authorities and even civil society. It is in this context that our ends study. We are more particularly interested in the modeling of atmospheric pollution at the localscale of a power plant (case of a chimney) as well as the influencing factors. this dispersion.
Collection(s) :Master en Physique

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