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Titre: Déploiement d'un Cloud privé sous openstack et intégration d'un système d'identification centralisé (LDAP).
Auteur(s): Bali, Hicham
Malti, Mohammed Nourreddine
Mots-clés: Déploiement d'un Cloud privé sous openstack et intégration d'un système d'identification centralisé (LDAP)
Date de publication: 6-jui-2019
Editeur: university of tlemcen
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Collection/Numéro: BFST2689;
Résumé: The fast change of technologies and the immense increase of data, oblige the medium and big company to be upgraded with the novelty of computer science. Small delay may cause a great loss of time and then, a financial losses that are difficult to manage. One of those innovations is cloud computing that has just crossed the high level of management, automation and speed to solve different tasks, and which represents a trend consumed by the companies. Our job is to migrate a simple enterprise system to a private cloud that will contain the main part of the old system but with a new mechanism. The important task in this work is to centralize the identification while keeping all existing users and with only one access to all applications and systems integrated into the company.
Collection(s) :Master MID

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