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dc.contributor.authorBELABBAS, Meryem-
dc.identifier.citationsalle des thesesen_US
dc.description.abstractransport phenomena appear in an unbalanced medium with a gradient of some physical quantity. This gradient leads to a transport or flow tending to return to a state of equilibrium. This gradient is proportional to the gradient that caused it. The transport parameter is the coefficient of proportionality. The calculation of the transport coefficients is based on the resolution of the Boltzmann equation and the evaluation of the collision term. Unfortunately knowledge of the distribution function is impossible. The Chapman-Enskog method is an approximation which consists to define the solution in the form of a development of distribution functions around the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and the term of order one which determines the expression of the heat flux and momentum and transport coefficients from the interaction potentials.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipt un gradient de certaine grandeur physique. Ce gradient condu iet nà udné stérqaunislpiborret opuro puonr tifolnunxe lt eanu dgarnatd ieàn tr aqmuie nlee rp rolev osqyuset è.mLee pavrearms èutrne déeta ttr adn’sépqouritl iebsrte .l e Ccoe efffliucxie n t edset proportionnalité. LBeo ltczamlcaunl n deets l ’écvoaelfufiactiieonnt sd ud tee rtmraen dspe ocrotl liss’iaopnp.u iMe asluhre ulrae urséesmoleuntti olna codne nla’iésqsuaantcieo nd e dlae faopnpcrtoixoinm adtei ondi sctornibsuisttiaonnt àe sdt éfiimnpiro slas ibsolelu. tiLoan msoéutsh olad eq udi ef oCrmhaep dm’uann -dEénvsekloogpp eemst en tu ndee fdo’onrcdtrioe nus nd ep edrimsteritb udtei odné taeurtmouinr edr el 'leax pdriesstrsiibount idoens dfel uMx adxew cehlla-Bleoulrt zemt adnen qeut alnet itteér mdee mouvement et celle des coefficients de transport à partir des potentiels d'interaction.en_US
dc.subjectTransport phenomena - Boltzmann equation - the collision term - interaction potentials.en_US
dc.subjectPhénomènes de transport –Equation de Boltzmann- terme de collision – potentiels d’interaction.en_US
dc.titleRésolution de l’Equation de Boltzmann avec la méthode de Chapman-Enskogen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Physique

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