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dc.contributor.authorBoukli Hacene, Meriem-
dc.description.abstractThe 16th century in Britain also known as the Tudor period is period that may be considered as a turning point in the English history. While in the Middle Ages England was a small unimportant country, during the Tudor period it became one of the leading world powers. This period maybe characterized as the age of Renaissance, Reformation and discoveries since Voyages of discovery opened up a wider world and trade flourished. Henry Tudor is viewed as one of the most controversial rulers in history. In fact, succession problems were to play a large role in Henry VIII’s reign, in particular the need for a male heir to secure the Tudor line. His desperation to have his name carried on with a male heir, and his need to have ultimate power led him to do what none other before him had dared attempt. The purpose of this thesis is to explore and understand the reasons behind Henry VIII’s actions to get a male heir and for this aim the changes he created in the nation and thus in Europe as a whole.en_US
dc.subjectThe Crown Inheritance- Problem - Reign of Henry VIIIen_US
dc.titleThe Crown Inheritance Problem during the Reign of Henry VIIIen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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