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dc.contributor.authorBASSOU, Abderrahmane-
dc.description.abstractThis work is about the analysis of first year secondary school ELT text-book At the Crossroads.Through this analysis the researcher tried to find out whether or not the factors mediating learner autonomy are represented in the textbook. A checklist in the form of a referential was used for this study in addition to two questionnaires, one for the teachers and another one to the learners. The study came out with the result that part of the cognitive, meta-cognitive and social factors mediating learner autonomy were represented in the textbook, and that the affective factor was not. In spite of this, teachers’ and learners’ teaching/learning practices, in addition to their beliefs and attitudes towards learner centeredness, made it impossible to invest properly in those existing factors and thus hindered the development of learner autonomy. The study was closed up by some suggestions and recommendations.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcen-
dc.subjectLearner autonomy- Cognitive, meta-cognitive-social and affective factors-text-book analysisen_US
dc.titleA Reflection upon the Factors Mediating Autonomous Learning: An Analysis of First Year Secondary School ELT Textbooken_US
Collection(s) :Doctorat en Anglais

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