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Titre: The Effectiveness of Literature Circles in Increasing Students’ Motivation and Appreciation toward the Novel: The Case of Third Year Students of English at The University of Tiaret
Auteur(s): TOUBEIDA, Moustafa
Date de publication: 27-fév-2025
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: The present study examined the influence of Literature circles, an innovative teaching strategy, on tertiary students' motivation and appreciation toward reading the novels. The study included 170 third-year English BMD students at Ibn Khaldoun University in Tiaret, they are randomly selected and separated into experimental (85) and control groups (85). Preand post-questionnaire, treatment, and observation were utilized to collect data. Data analysis indicated that there is a strong statistically meaningful relation between the pre-and posttreatment with regard to the implemented teaching strategy and improvement in the level of motivation and appreciation. The research also showed that the experimental group had more positive statistical significance than the controls group which proved the effectiveness of literature circles strategy. On the light of these findings, some directions for future research and recommendations are directed to instructors, students, and researcher’s foe future research.
Collection(s) :Doctorat en Anglais

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