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Titre: Language Use and its Implications on Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement
Auteur(s): SAHNOUNE, Nisrine
Mots-clés: Academic performance - BICS - CALP - Language Learning Strategies – Attitudes reading instruction.
Date de publication: 17-nov-2021
Résumé: This study examines the implications of language use on cognitive academic language proficiency with the attention to determine the level of students’ academic performance and achievements. Besides, it tends to reveal the obstacles that cause low academic proficiency that prevent both the learning process and the development of academic language by taking Tlemcen University as a case in point. Based on the findings adopted from few sociolinguistic research tools, this study revealed that students’ low academic performance results from the complexity of second language acquisition and the delay in the development of CALP despite their apparent fluency in conversation which interprets their communicative success in BICS. Another important aim in this research was to analyse the effects of students’ attitudes towards language use and the learning language. This investigation argued that reading instruction is compulsory for students as it leads to an effective learning language gains.
Collection(s) :Doctorat en Anglais

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