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dc.contributor.authorBenadda, Belkacem-
dc.description.abstractthe localization problem has several years and has justified a big number of research results on algorithm and implementations,particularly those based on the GSM mobile this works,we have developped and implemented individuals or vehicle localization and positioning service,based on existing mobile telecommunication. the developement origins hypothesis proposes that the pathogenise of many diet-related chronic deseases begins not in adulthood,but during early developpment several recent reports including some from our laboratory suggest that maternal nutritional state is important in promoting metabolic alterations in offspring.the aim of this study is to determinate programmed oxidative stress in newborns of mothers having low polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidant intakesen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipcentral connecticut state university february 2012en_US
dc.titleoperator free localization system based on mobile phones GSM networks detectionen_US
Collection(s) :Communications internationales

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