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Titre: The Impact of Culture Teaching to Enhance Learners’ Interest and Competence in Foreign Language Learning and Communication: the case of 1st year EFL students at Abou-bekr Belkaid University
Auteur(s): BELKHIR-BENMOSTEFA, Fatima Zohra
Mots-clés: culture, English as a Foreign Language, interest, communication
Date de publication: 12-sep-2017
Résumé: The present thesis revolves around teaching culture to foreign language learners. The study attempts to investigate the English cultures' teaching/learning situation at the level of first-year English language ‘Licence’. It also aims at finding out about EFL teachers’ and students’ outlooks on certain pedagogical matters which arouse students’ interests in foreign language/culture learning, and help attain an effective English Language teaching/learning alongside with its corresponding culture(s), as well as having competent learners and users of English.
Collection(s) :Doctorat en Anglais

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