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- Bio-morphomètrie 1
- Bio-ressources naturelles, matorrals, phytoécologie, dynamique de végétation, cartographie, mont de Tiaret. Contribution to the study of matorrals bio-resources of the Tiaret Mountains: phytoecological aspects and cartography (Western Algeria). 1
- Bioaccumulation 2
- bioaccumulation 1
- bioactive compound Address for Correspondence: Nadjib Rahmoun, Antibiotics Antifungal Laboratory: Physical-Chemistry, Synthesis and Biological Activity, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, BP119, Tlemcen University, Tlemcen 13000, Algeria. Tel: 00213–550440040. E-mail: (Received 26 August 2011; revised 19 May 2012; accepted 06 July 2012) Pharmaceutical Biology, 2013; 51(1): 131–135 © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. ISSN 1388-0209 print/ISSN 1744-5116 online DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2012.715166 Pharmaceutical Biology Downlo 1
- bioactives compounds 1
- biocapteur 1
- biocarburant, biomasse lignocellulosique, hydrodéoxygénation directe, catalyse bifonctionnelle, silice alumine, acidité, ruthenium 1
- Biocénose 1
- biocénose 1
- Biochemical parameters 1
- biochimique 1
- biochimiques 1
- Biocides, Entérocoques, Résistance, PCR. 1
- Biocimat, 1
- Bioclimat 3
- bioclimat 2
- Bioclimat - Biométrie 1