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Montrant les résultats 23704 à 23723 de 33130
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- wordnet, java, Weka, text classification, semantic similarity measures 1
- WordNet, Ontologie, Base de données lexicale, Construction d’ontologie, TALN Arabe. 1
- WordNet, Ontology, Lexical Databases,Ontology construction, TALN, Arabic NLP. 1
- Wordnets;mapping 1
- Words key: career path management. Motivation. Competence. Social climate. Labor turnover.satisfaction. productivity. Absenteeism. Conflicts. 1
- Work pressure – job satisfaction – pedagogical system – perform function – work load 1
- Work pressure-Accidents at work and occupational disease 1
- World Trade Organization, the economy, developing countries, developed countries, the principle of sovereignty, foreigntrade, international relations, GATT . 1
- WRED, NBAR et NBAR2. 1
- writing skill, writing competence and feedback. 1
- writing strategies, literary texts, reading strategies, cohesion, coherence. 1
- writing, EFL, Standard Arabic, L1, L2, interference, transfer, errors, linguistic gaps. 1
- writing, metacognitive awareness, blended learning, , CALLA, CAW, WAC 1
- writing-secondary school lavelhird -year literary and philosophy stream learning 1
- Written expression-pedagogical tools-assessment -the analytics methods 1
- WSN 1
- X-rays diffraction 1
- X-RAYS SOURCES,techniques,biological environment 1
- Xamarin, application multiplateforme, C#, POO. 1
- Xanthium strumarium, essential oil, hydrolate, aqueous and ethanolic extract, DPPH, ascorbic acid. 1