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- TFD CT, dysphonies vocales, sons voisés, jitter, shimmer 1
- TFD CT, dysphonies vocales, sons voisés, jitter, shimmer, STD. 1
- TfR1,Le récepteur de la transferrine 1 1
- TFT, Compatibilité, Formations des dépôts, Analyses physicochimiques 1
- TG/DTG 1
- TGO et TGP 1
- thalassémie 1
- Thalassothérapie, Eco gestion, Architecture Organique. 1
- Thatcherism-Blairism Policy- British Society -1979-2007 1
- thaumasite, ettringite, mortier. 1
- the watershed 1
- The Academic Usages, Social Networks, Master2; EFL, Students,Tlemcen University, Case of Facebook 1
- The acquisition of language, the language of the child 1
- The Administrative justice.-The Administrative tribunals.-The Council of State. 1
- the advanced English language learners, academic writing, informal writing, and English language. 1
- The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn, Mark Twain, Slavery, Racism. 1
- The Ambiguity, American Dream, the Shift, Hollywood Dream 1
- The American society, the Great Depression, John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath 1
- The Arabic Language -The Homonymy - The Holy Qur'an - Surat Aali Imran - Semantics -The Context 1
- the article ,the literary article, Mustafa sadik e-raffia ,the method ,the characteristics 1